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Feb 27, 2020

Massage for pregnant women in London

Massage for pregnant women in London

The latest scientific research confirms that pregnant (prenatal) massage is a safe, pleasant therapy that clearly improves the physical and mental state of pregnant women.

It helps to alleviate and prevents the most common ailments that occur during pregnancy, prepares for the effort and burden of delivery, and has a positive effect on quick recovery after delivery.

Systematic massage will deal with excessive muscle tension and overload, and thus will reduce pain. Therefore, it is worth starting using regular massages from the 13th week of pregnancy that will help future mothers to stay in good shape and ensure complete and blissful relaxation.

The prenatal massage takes place in a sitting, reclining or lying position and by a masseuse authorized to massage pregnant women. Treatments are performed only using oil of 100% natural origin and preventing stretch marks. Ladies can participate in the procedure between 3 and 9 months of pregnancy (from 13 to 37 weeks), the pregnancy must be carried out correctly, there can be no medical contraindications for massage. These include cardiovascular diseases, gestational diabetes, inflammation, anaemia, abnormal pregnancy.

Before starting a massage, it is worth consulting with the GP to rule out any contraindications for the procedure.

What are the benefits of massage for pregnant women?

  • effectively eliminates and prevents back pain, muscles, and joints,
  • improves blood and lymph circulation, preventing and reducing swelling of the feet and legs,
  • helps control weight gain,
  • is ideal anti-stretch mark prevention,
  • prevents loss of firmness and elasticity of the stomach and breasts,
  • guarantees quick recovery after delivery,
  • ensures good physical condition,
  • ensures rest, relaxation and well-being of mother and child,
  • develops the awareness of feeling your own body, necessary for active participation in the delivery process,
  • relieves pain during delivery, reduces delivery complications.